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s tvorbou vašich príbehov v triede?

Vyskúšajte našu Príručku pre učiteľov, ktorá bola vyvinutá na pomoc učiteľom zapojeným do projektu. Poskytneme vám aj príklady

Below we also have some skvelých príbehov a aktivity s nápadmi ako vás inšpirovať k vytvoreniu originálneho príbehu, alebo ako prerozprávať tie staré obľúbené novým spôsobom.

Finálna verzia Nová

Príručka pre učiteľov

Príručka, ktorú vyvinuli odborníci na globálne vzdelávanie a rozprávanie príbehov, ponúka podporu pre učiteľov a školy v rozprávaní príbehov v digitálnom veku. Táto pomôcka bola navrhnutá pre podporu učiteľov zapojených do projektu Sankofa v ich triednych aktivitách, inšpiruje učiteľov praktickými nápadmi na vyučovanie v triede a predstavuje zjednodušený úvod do projektu a jeho teoretického pozadia.

Vyskúšané a otestované aktivity

# Zhrnutie Témy Sankofa Napojenie na Globálne ciele Vek detí Autori
1 Million Bottle Wonder – this activity can fire imaginations of creative use of unwanted items as part of studying climate action.
Sustainable Consumption, recycling 4-11 yrs HEC London
2 Reduce reuse, recycle – it’s in our hands – this activity explores actions which promote a more sustainable lifestyle.
‘The story of stuff’ - reduce reuse recycle. An ‘Explore’ activity. 4-11 yrs HEC London
3 This is my home because... This activity explores how ‘home’ is important in feeling valued, belonging, security, comfort, friendship, love etc This is an important introductory activity to exploring migration, refugees and what it means to feel part of a community.
Identity and belonging. Migration 4-11 yrs CDEC

Príbehy pre inšpiráciu

# Názov Témy Zhrnutie Typ príbehu Autori Odkazy
1 What makes me Happy? Junjie’s film Recycling. Friendship A story of 8 year old Junjie, a boy in China, who takes action and shares what makes him happy. Junjie tells us through his story that what makes him happy is having friends to be with and not just being by himself. Junjie searches the streets for re-useable products, but he is also searching for friendship Digital -film HEC London https://youtu.be/L4MqQGWl6D4
2 Flip Flotsam by Elspeth Murray film Recycling, happiness What happens to the world’s most popular footwear after its original use? This ode to the flip-flop and its life after human footwear use can be found here. There is a beautifully shot short film based on the poem. It looks at the story of flipflops in Kenya – how they are made, worn and eventually reused for children’s toys. Digital poem and film HEC London Site
The full film
3 The Journey by Francesca Sanna Migration, refugees This beautifully illustrated picture book introduces a powerful and moving perspective on migration for readers of all ages. Told through the eyes of a young girl, the story explores the decisions made as a mother and her two children are forced to flee their home and everyone they know to escape the turmoil of war. Picture Book CDEC Site
read aloud by ‘Read me a Book’
Ideas and questions to discuss the book with children.
4 Something Else by Kathryn Cave Belonging, exclusion, acceptance This simple story, is about a small creature who does his best to join in with the others. But he's different. No matter how he tries, he just doesn't belong. Then Something turns up and wants to be friends. But Something Else isn't sure he's like him at all... Picture book – for age 5-10 years CDEC read aloud
5 Kam sa podeli ročné obdobia? Klimatické zmeny


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SEVER ZŠ Horní Maršov Celý príbeh
6 Voda uvnitř Biodiverzita Klimatické zmeny

Píše se rok 2050 a na malé městečko uprostřed hor se pomalu snáší šedý soumrak. Světla ještě nesvítí a v ulicích je nápadné ticho. Na rohu ulice postává skupinka postav v kapucích a přešlapuje. Snad kvůli zimě. V šeru pod kapucí se rýsují dětské tváře, stín jim dodává na vážnosti a přidává alespoň deset let navíc. Je to […]

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SEVER Celý príbeh
7 Zničenie pralesov v Krkonošských horách Biodiverzita Klimatické zmeny

Čítanka na stiahnutie na: https://sever.ekologickavychova.cz/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/FINAL-citanka-z-vychodnich-krkonos-IV-2-KOR.pdf […]

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SEVER Celý príbeh

Naše workshopy

boli vytvorené ako časť projektu Sankofa.



Gender Equality and Storytelling





Anti-racism through Storytelling





Storytelling as a Wellbeing Tool

